The company

The Yverdon-les-Bains energy department came up with the idea of offering intelligent (dynamic) management of public lighting, so that only the necessary light points need be switched on when they are needed. The aim was to reduce light pollution and cut energy consumption.

Request from the Yverdon-les-Bains energy department

As the public lighting suppliers did not offer a technical solution for the installation of dynamic lighting (which changes according to the number of visitors to the site), the Yverdon-les-Bains energy department turned to JDC Electronic SA to work with them to create such a system.

Work of JDC Electronic SA

JDC Electronic SA has developed a dynamic lighting system in the form of a box that is fixed to the mast of existing luminaires. The eDyn module then manages the street lighting according to need: if there is no activity in the street, the lighting is in reduced mode. Thanks to its motion detector and radio link, the eDyn module installed on each lamppost automatically increases the lighting when a pedestrian passes. The infrared detector switches the streetlight on only when a person is detected and the street needs to be lit. To prevent a feeling of insecurity, the integrated radio module anticipates the switching on of the streetlights when a person moves by switching on the following streetlights. The brightness level of each streetlight is adjustable. The eDyn module saves up to 60% of the energy consumed by an LED streetlight.